Our Partners

Cooperations with Portals, Health Insurance and eGA Providers

Currently, about 100 licensees and sublicensees use our Arzt-Auskunft (Doctor Search, public version) and Arzt-Auskunft Professional (professional version):

Health insurance providers

Nearly all of the large health insurance providers in Germany as well as numerous smaller ones use our Structured Directory of Medical Care as the basis for their physician search services. This means that our service already reaches around 75 of the approximately 83 million people in Germany. TK, BARMER and DAK-Gesundheit for example use our Structured Directory for search services on their websites or in protected areas for their members. Others use the Arzt-Auskunft Professional on their intranets to provide their members with the best possible advice on finding the right doctor.

Websites and apps

Many internet portals also display our doctor search as a service element on their sites – such as 4sigma, the digital health guide docyet or – on a regional level – the Gesellschaft für ein gesundes Wiesbaden. They hereby offer their users a sought-after service – without the need to provide any maintenance effort.

Electronic health records (eGA)

Of course, our Doctor Search can also be integrated into electronic health records (eGA), as is the case with TK and HEK.

References: A Selection of Our License Partners

BARMER Arztsuche
BKK Mobil Oil
einfach teilhaben (BMAS)
IKK classic
vdek Arztlotse