
Stiftung Gesundheit reviews Health-related Publications and Websites

Providing certifications is one of Stiftung Gesundheit’s statutory tasks. Upon seeing Stiftung Gesundheit’s seal of quality, a consumer can conclude that the information provided is objectively correct and comprehensible. In certifying medical guidebooks, publications with patient information and websites, Stiftung Gesundheit pursues its objective of creating more transparency in healthcare and providing orientation.

Certifications Keep Pace with Modern Media

The certification of medical guidebooks began as early as 1996. CDs and audio books were included shortly thereafter and today Stiftung Gesundheit also certifies websites with its seal of quality “Geprüfte Homepage” (Certified Website).

Certifications of literature for young and old
There are plenty medical guidebooks – our certification shows that books or websites are correct and comprehensible.

Further Information

Certification of Websites (German)

Certification of Print Publications (German)

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
Telephone: +49 (0) 40/80 90 87 – 0
E-Mail: zertifizierung@stiftung-gesundheit.de