Applications and Services

Ways of Using the Structured Directory

The Structured Directory of Medical Care provides the basis for a wide variety of services. Part of the content is presented in the public version of the Arzt-Auskunft (Doctor Search, public version), which is available to patients via websites, apps and in electronic health records (eGA). Specialists, for example health insurance providers, receive much more detailled information by acessing the Arzt-Auskunft Professional (Doctor Search, professional version). In addition, we support a large number of projects in health care related research. Furthermore, we offer journalists a research tool for analyzing the health care landscape as well as contacts to physicians who are available for interviews (German).

You want to add a doctor search to your website or app? You need reliable facts for an article or a research paper? You want to inform doctors about a convention you are holding? Here is an overview of how you can benefit from our Structured Directory.

Mann hält Rede auf einem Kongress.

For medical societies and organisers of conventions and training courses

Targeting doctors via e-mail newsletter